For clients with all hair types. Ideal for clients with damaged or sensitized hair.
Mix Blonde Voyage Cream Lightener with Moroccanoil Oxidative Cream Developer 5 vol. (1.5%), 10 vol. (3%), 15 vol. (4.5%), 20 vol. (6%), 30 vol. (9%), or 40 vol. (12%) in a ratio of 1:1.5 in a non-metallic bowl. When applying directly to the scalp, do not exceed 20 vol. developer and never cover with a plastic cap. The lower the strength of the developer, the slower and milder the lightening process. Wear suitable gloves. Apply to dry, unwashed hair. Use mixture immediately and discard any unused mixture. Processing time depends on the condition of the hair and the desired degree of lightening. Check every 5–10 mins during processing. Maximum total processing time is 50 mins. DO NOT USE HEAT. Complete the lightening service with Moroccanoil Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner. A preliminary patch test should always be performed to determine whether or not a special sensitivity exists. For complete safety test instructions and warnings, please refer to the product packaging.
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